Great article. I never knew I could go to a private lab, not having to go to a doctor for tests. With 2 nurses and a college biology teacher in the family, I could get help interpreting the results. For a guy who is very skeptical about doctors and specialists with blinders on, and big pharma, this post is very helpful. I'm 82 and have always been active and enjoyed good health but last winter suffered shortness of breath when doing hard physical work and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. A beta blocker and a diuretic were prescribed, and they did help. But a few months ago I experimented by cutting the meds in half, and have not noticed any decline in energy or any other problems. I'm able to do just about anything, as long as I do it a little slower and with less intensity.

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Hi Al, glad you're working on reducing your meds. You might find this older article on understanding heart disease helpful. I haven't got it onto substack yet but you can read it on my blog....


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Thanks, Emma. I’ll read it.

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