Manucha honey 1 tsp. daily( mixed with fresh squeezed lemon juice). If you’ve ever heard of Arnica 30 X and Traumeel (which is a topical form of Arnica), I rub the cream on my face where it hurts and take the arnica 30x pills under my tongue every four hours during a flareup.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a big fan of Xlear. You can buy it on Amazon or Walgreens. When you’re traveling on a plane, two squirts in each nostril twice a day are helpful as is gargling with Scope or Listerine. (called nasal and oral sanitation).

Like what you have written, not giving medical advice but sharing what works well in my little corner of the world.

PS- where do you purchase that essential oil blend that you talked about?

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Olbas Oil is a UK remedy but you can get it in the US on Amazon. Just make sure they send you the full strength version and not the kids version, that happened to me once.

Arnica is awesome for all sorts of aches and pains. (It gets a call out box all to itself in my book! :-)

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Thank you very much for sharing this information!! 😊🙏🏻❤️ Super appreciate it!!

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I have used food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted with normal saline in a nebulizer treatments. The minute I feel a sore throat or nasal congestion I will do a couple treatments and it stops it in its tracks! Wish I would have known this before I got very sick with Covid in 2021… if you are interested watch Dr Joe Mercola do a YouTube podcast on how to do this nebulizer treatment.

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I have found that using Navage system along with Xlear helps me get the thick muscus out that I cannot expel by just blowing my nose.

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